Advantages of Early Intervention Found into the School Years

Language Development News


Early intervention statistics


Playing with little ones serves and important purpose in the world of speech and language therapy. “Early intervention” is a support system for children with developmental disabilities or delays and their families. Speech language pathologist might provide early intervention services to a child between the ages of birth-three years, before they qualify for preschool. According to a review of the efficacy of the Early Start Denver  Model for children with autism, early intervention services (at least following this model) could reduce the need for future therapies.

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Does Your Baby Need Early Intervention Speech Therapy? How Brain Structure can Predict Language Development

The Brain's Structure


The effects of early intervention services on children’s language, motor and cognitive development are well researched. Until now, the most challenging part of providing these services has been identifying children early enough to intervene. Thankfully,  the results of a new study published in the journal of Brain and Language may help therapists identify and provide speech therapy to at-risk infants even sooner.

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Writing the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

Legal Issues
Early Intervention Diagram

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What Is It?

If your child is in school and requires special education services, he’ll have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). But it is also legally required that younger children have access to needed services and support. This is where the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) comes into play. The IFSP is a written document that all children have when they qualify for Early Intervention (EI). (Early Intervention is the version of special education for younger children.) The document is customized to your child’s specific needs. However, unlike the IEP, the IFSP also takes into account the needs of your entire family insofar as familial support is crucial to attaining a favorable outcome for your child.

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