Tips & Apps to Help with Speech Therapy

Tips & Apps to Help with Speech Therapy

Speech Therapist Technology

tips for motivating kidsEvery September, I can’t help but chuckle at that classic commercial from Staples, the office supply retailer. The father in the spot is jubilant and the kids are anything but. We all experience this to a certain extent; when you work with or have your own children (or both!) summer is a time to chill, to vege, to eschew routine and schedules. It’s healthy, even essential to take a break. I love the work I do, but I do admit to feeling a little like the kids in this commercial. Everything these first couple of weeks can seem a little more challenging: from motivating our kids and getting back into the swing of the school routine, to managing schedule sessions and home-based exercises, to tracking down great new educational games and materials. Here are some tips and apps to help with speech therapy, they’ll make this transition back to school and the “work mentality” a little bit easier for everyone.

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4 Tips for Managing Difficult Behaviors in Children

4 Tips for Managing Difficult Behaviors in Children

Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques

As SLPs, we have all dealt with our share of difficult behavior. I’ve certainly found myself at a loss for how to approach a client that has trouble with focus, motivation, or simply keeping “in line.”  After all, we work with children, so this should be expected to a certain degree. However, challenging behaviors can get in the way of our work, and we must do everything we can to avoid them. When they do occur, we must be prepared with reliable strategies to minimize their negative impact on the session at hand, and ultimately, on our entire therapeutic interaction with that client. The four strategies described below will provide you with a plan for managing difficult child behaviors as they arise, and getting you back on track with your therapy.
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What Happens In Speech Therapy?

What Happens In Speech Therapy?

Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
What to expect during speech therapy

What to Expect During Speech Therapy. Source:

What happens when your child visits a speech-language pathologist? What exactly will the SLP do? These are questions that many parents ask when their child has been recommended to start a speech therapy program. In order for you to set your expectations (and your child’s), here are the basics of what to expect from a speech therapy program. Of course, each course of therapy is tailored personally to your child’s particular speech disorder, or speech impairment. This should serve as a general guideline about the entire process.

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Help! My Child Doesn’t Qualify for Speech Therapy in School

Individualized Education Program (IEP) Language Development Reading School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
When Speech Therapy in School isn't An Option

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What Can I Do To Help My Child?

It can be one of the most frustrating things that a parent can face – believing that his or her child needs help and not knowing how to provide it. If your child is struggling with speech or communication issues but the school has said he or she doesn’t qualify for speech therapy at school, there are still several options you can use to help your child. Other options within the school, private SLPs, at-home activities, and other professional services can all be of help to your child’s communication development. Continue reading

What You Need to Know If Your Child is Starting Speech Therapy – Answers to 5 Common Questions

Individualized Education Program (IEP) School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
Image Courtesy of

If your child is starting speech therapy at school for the first time this year there are likely a lot of questions competing for time in your head. Even though it might feel like you are alone on this journey, the good news is that you’re not the first parent to feel this and there are people there to help you and your child. Start with these common questions that parents like you might be asking. Continue reading