More and more, speech and language therapists are turning to the Internet to provide high-quality speech therapy exercises for their therapy sessions. As children (and their parents) become more proficient in technology and in particular tablets and mobile devices, therapists are presenting innovative ways to keep their therapy services current with today’s technology standards.
Tools for Speech Therapy: 5 Fabulous Apps for Kids
Apps Articulation Disorders At Home Ideas Language Development Parents' Corner Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy TechniquesGet your iPads ready! Games, puzzles, stories on the go? Speech Therapy is no longer one size fits all. Recent innovations in technology provide many valuable tools for speech therapy. Apps, iPad games and gadgets offer opportunities for learning at every level of speech therapy and often help make the therapy fun. Of course, apps should not be viewed as a replacement for a comprehensive speech therapy plan, and you should always seek to contact your SLP if you are planning to use applications, games and gadgets in conjunction with your therapy sessions.
Articulation Disorder Study: Helping Sound the Letter /R/
Articulation Disorders Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps R Sound Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Using a tactile tool can help increase success rate in children with articulation disorder. Image Courtesy of eHearsay: Electronic Journal of the Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association.
As we finish of our in-depth look at articulation disorders this week, we would like to share with you some details from a recent clinical study which demonstrated the importance of a tactile tool in speech therapy. The study, published in the journal eHearsay: Electronic Journal of the Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association tested the effectiveness of a hand-held tactile tool, Speech Buddies, in treating the misarticulation of the letter /r/.
Exploring the /R/ Sound in Articulation Disorders
Articulation Disorders Language Development Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
This week, we are taking a fresh and in-depth look at articulation disorders in children, including trying to decipher what is fact, fiction and frankly what you need to know about articulation disorders in relation to normal speech development milestones. As we drill down into the nitty gritty of articulation disorders, today we are choosing to focus on pronouncing the sound of /R/.
What Everyone Needs to Know About Articulation Disorders
Articulation Disorders Language Development Parents' Corner Phonological Processing Disorder Pronunciation & Lisps Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapist
This week, we are taking a fresh and in-depth look at articulation disorders in children, including trying to decipher what is fact, fiction and frankly what you need to know about articulation disorders in relation to normal speech development milestones.
Put your 2014 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to work!
Financial Resources Other Resources Parents' Corner
Did you know that Speech Buddies are eligible for reimbursement under most health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)? If you have one of these plans set-up through your employer, you probably have a new 2014 flexible spending account balance, so check it out! Also, the U.S. Treasury recently relaxed the “use or lose” rules to FSA accounts and will now allow workers to rollover up to $500 in accrued but unspent benefits. That’s great news!
Top 10 Online Sites for Building Language Skills
At Home Ideas Language Building Games Language Development Parents' Corner Speech Therapy Techniques
Many websites are designed to help your child with building language skills and improving communication.
Online games and resources are excellent tools to help children build language and vocabulary skills and prepare them for reading and speaking success for the future. Using the computer to access online resources, children of all speaking abilities can develop vocabulary skills, learn to distinguish certain sounds, begin to recognize letter shapes and their sounds, learn to follow directions and learn basic building blocks in sentence formation. Yes, the games and activities are so fun and you may not think they’re actually learning – but with our recommendations, rest assured these sites are teaching children skills for building language skills and future effective communication.
The ABC’s of Stuttering in Children
Articulation Disorders Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Stuttering is a speech disorder in which words, sounds or syllables are repeated or last longer than normal. Stuttering, also called stammering or disfluency, causes a break or a pause in the flow of speech. Young children may stutter when they are first developing their speech and language skills. The stuttering occurs when their speech skills cannot keep up with what they are trying to say. Stumbling over words or speech affects about five percent of children, and generally lasts for several weeks or several years. Most children outgrow this stuttering phase within their first four years.
Super Low Cost Speech Therapy Tips and Tricks!
Articulation Disorders Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner School Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
Activities such as blowing bubbles are excellent low cost speech therapy activities that you can do at home!
Speech and language disorders affect children of all races and social-economic groups. If left untreated, speech disorders can affect a child’s ability to interact and communicate with others. Parents are constantly searching for low cost speech therapy tools and ideas. But where do you begin? The Internet is jam-packed with tools, gadgets, whistles and websites that can be confusing and misleading for parents. We have narrowed down a few low cost speech therapy ideas for you to try. Of course, we always recommend that you check in with your pediatrician or licensed speech therapist first before taking on any therapies on your own.
Little Ways To Make Learning Fun!
At Home Ideas Games and Activities Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Therapy Techniques

Card Games, Field Trips and Playing with Your Kids are Excellent Ways to Make Learning Fun! Image Courtesy of Shutterstock.
School is just about back in session after the long holiday break and your kids are chomping at the bit to get back to the books! Is this the case at your house? Perhaps NOT! For many kids, the thought of school, homework and learning are dreary tasks and not something typically viewed as fun. For many, learning and study correlate with serious and tedious. Believe or not, there are ways to make learning fun and effective and something your children will look forward to. Of course, there is always the moaning and groaning about getting back to a busy homework schedule, tests and turning in assignments but with a few tips and tricks, you can turn the negative into a positive and make the learning experience more fun for the kids.