Art Therapy and Speech Therapy

Art Therapy and Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Techniques
Art Therapy as Speech Therapy

Art Therapy as Speech Therapy. Image source:

Sometimes with younger kids, speech therapy doesn’t need to look like a traditional speech therapy classroom regimen. Instead, speech therapy can take on a more creative approach using Art. Yes — Art can be a useful tool to enhance a child’s speech and language development. Whether or not you have a child who needs help with verbal expression or  auditory comprehension, there are excellent art-based activities that your child can do to engage all of his senses. And the best part — art therapy can be done at home! I know for some, even the phrase “art project” evokes a fear of mess and chaos! But, for a child in speech therapy, an art experience may be just what he needs to explore his creative side and improve his verbal and comprehension skills at the same time.
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4 Tips for Managing Difficult Behaviors in Children

4 Tips for Managing Difficult Behaviors in Children

Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques

As SLPs, we have all dealt with our share of difficult behavior. I’ve certainly found myself at a loss for how to approach a client that has trouble with focus, motivation, or simply keeping “in line.”  After all, we work with children, so this should be expected to a certain degree. However, challenging behaviors can get in the way of our work, and we must do everything we can to avoid them. When they do occur, we must be prepared with reliable strategies to minimize their negative impact on the session at hand, and ultimately, on our entire therapeutic interaction with that client. The four strategies described below will provide you with a plan for managing difficult child behaviors as they arise, and getting you back on track with your therapy.
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Speech Therapy Camping Activities for this Summer

Speech Therapy Camping Activities for this Summer

Games and Activities Speech Therapy Ideas

Speech Therapy Camping Activities

Got the Tent? Check!

Got the Sleeping Bags? Check!

Got the Bug Spray? Check!

Got the Speech Therapy Activities? Check!

Wait a minute, speech therapy camping activities? This summer, while planning your camping trip, why not use this quality family time as an opportunity to work on speech therapy skills. Board games are an excellent way to reinforce good speech and language habits and are easy to pack along, but you may also want to take advantage of the outdoor game board! The sights, sounds and smells of good ol’ fashioned camping! A recent article in Parents Magazine touted the many benefits of camping, including helping children become more environmentally conscious, and reducing symptoms of boredom and ADHD.

“Kids today are spending more time indoors and plugged into a screen, so camping is a great activity because it gets them outdoors, whether they’re hiking or telling ghost stories by the fire,”

says Meri-Margaret Deoudes, spokesperson for the National Wildlife Federations’s Be Out There initiative, which encourages kids to get outside.

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Expedite Speech Therapy Results – Get Involved!

Parents' Corner
Expedite Speech Therapy Results

You CAN Help Expedite Speech Therapy Results – Get Involved!

Often, we are asked if parents should take an active role in the speech therapy process, or if it is best to leave all things therapy to the SLP. If a child is currently in a speech therapy regime, parents are unsure if additional practice work at home is detrimental or helpful. It is helpful! Think of it this way, if you are able to help your child overcome his or her speech disorder more quickly,  it will help boost his or her confidence and free you up to get on with your busy life.

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What Happens In Speech Therapy?

What Happens In Speech Therapy?

Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
What to expect during speech therapy

What to Expect During Speech Therapy. Source:

What happens when your child visits a speech-language pathologist? What exactly will the SLP do? These are questions that many parents ask when their child has been recommended to start a speech therapy program. In order for you to set your expectations (and your child’s), here are the basics of what to expect from a speech therapy program. Of course, each course of therapy is tailored personally to your child’s particular speech disorder, or speech impairment. This should serve as a general guideline about the entire process.

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