As with most things, there are common misconceptions about speech and language development in children, undoubtedly confusing all of us parents! Should we be reading the Wall Street Journal to our babies in utero? Should we feel self-conscious when engaging in baby talk with our 6 month old? Are we doing damage? We are here to help clarify some of the most common False Facts about language development in your child. Of course, it’s important that you are patient. All parents can’t wait until that day when their baby begins to talk! BUT, each child progresses at a different rate, so be patient, it will come. Your best bet is to understand what is true and what is false about language development in your child.
5 Ways Sign Language Benefits the Hearing
Hearing Loss Language Development School
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Maybe you’ve heard that teaching sign language to babies is a great way to boost their communication skills before they are able to more easily communicate through speech. Now researchers and educators are learning that sign language isn’t only valuable during those first years of life when it comes to communication skills for the hearing population. Acquiring sign language skills has benefits for hearing children and adults as well, and some of those benefits might surprise you. Continue reading