What to Know when Talking to Your Child with a Language Disorder

Speech Therapy Techniques


child reading with mom

Source: news.appstate.com

Children with language disorders, whether they be of articulation, expression, comprehension or others might need some extra assistance from their communication partner. A communication partner is the person listening and sharing in the conversation and for children, this is often an adult. Communication partners can do a lot to support a child in conversation, making it easier or less challenging to communicate. Here’s how:

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Why You Should be Using Wordless Picture Books in Speech Therapy

Language Development
top childrens books

Source: oconnoreducation.org

Reading a book without words can seem a little counter intuitive. After all, how do you promote early literacy skills without text? And, how do you actually “read” the story? These types of books actually have a host of benefits for kids and if you’re not doing it already, using wordless picture books in speech therapy should be a part of your practice. This, according to a new study, may be especially important when teaching toddlers and can expose them to richer language.

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How Can Parents and Speech Language Therapists Work Together?

Speech Therapy Techniques
characteristics of a team graphic

Source: http://agilitrix.com/

Speech therapy is an exercise in successful collaboration. Not just between the SLP and the child, but between parents and SLPs, SLPs and teachers, SLPs and doctors or SLPs and other professionals. How many times have you ever done a job and wished you had some help? Be it cleaning up a room, filing your taxes or cooking a meal. Chances are, you wished you had some help for several reasons. Teamwork often gets the job done faster, makes the work easier, and helps you problem solve challenges. Effective and successful speech therapy requires the team approach with parents especially to  promote generalization, enhance learning and ultimately achieve goals sooner.

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