What Should I Know About Children Who Are Tongue-Tied?

Language Development
tongue facts

Source: infographicsshowcase.com

Being “tongue tied” isn’t always just a figure of speech. For children with a physical tongue-tie (called “ankyloglossia”), speaking, breastfeeding or dentition might be affected by a shortened frenulum inside the mouth. The frenulum is the small attachment between the floor of the lower jaw and the tongue. When you lift your tongue, it’s easy to see and feel. A shortened frenulum, in the case of akyloglossia, restricts the movement of the tongue and is considered a congential condition present at birth. Without the freedom to move it properly, difficulties with the normal function of the mouth for speaking or eating might arise, though the definitive connection between the two is hard to say. For that reason, it’s important for speech therapists, the experts in language and sometimes feeding, and parents to know about children who are tongue-tied.

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A Quick Primer on the Mechanics of Speech

Language Development
Woman Singing into Microphone

Image source: Softsupplier.com

When you use Speech Buddies, your child learns the correct positioning of the tongue for each sound. It provides tactile feedback to improve articulation. But how much do you really know about the mechanics of speech? Sure, the lungs expel air, the tongue moves, and there’s also a larynx in there somewhere, but there’s a lot more to speech production than you might realize. Here’s a quick primer in the production of speech and the parts of the body involved in the process.

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