Speech Therapists Rave About These Tools for Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Techniques
Language Development Tools for Speech Therapy

Image source: Prathamdelhi.org

It’s that time of year again: As soon as my skin starts to feel lizard-like and shriveled in the cold weather, I know it’s time to start making lists of ideas for holiday gifts. Not to mention stocking up on heavy-duty moisturizers. When you’re a parent, killing two birds with one stone is a great way to make the holidays easier on your budget. Fun educational gifts like tools for speech therapy will seem just like toys to your kids, but you can feel satisfied that the youngsters are learning something at the same time. It’s a technique that speech-language pathologists (SLPs) use all the time. Speech therapy sessions often seem just like playtime. But while your child is playing pirates or princesses with the speech therapist, he or she is also working on his narration skills, sentence formation, articulation, and vocab acquisition. Consult your child’s speech therapist for ideas on tools for speech therapy to use at home. She can offer ideas that are customized to your child’s specific speech disorder and needs.

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Portable Speech Therapy: Packing for Vacation

Speech Therapy Techniques
Family Packing Car for Summer Vacation

Image source: corbisimages.com

Summer and vacation go together like clowns and circuses. Whether you plan to cool off at a water rollercoaster or watch ballerinas sweating it out on stage, summer vacation offers the perfect opportunity to become even closer as a family. When you have a child with a speech disorder, preparing for summer break might take a little extra time. In addition to packing all the hip new styles of summer, bring along some games and other speech therapy tools to stimulate your child’s language skills.

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