Why Pediatricians are amongst New Parents’ Best Friends

Parents' Corner

Pediatricians & Speech-Language-Hearing Development

Every parenting book you’ve ever read tells you to never, never, never leave your baby unattended while you hunt frantically around your house for a diaper. And on this topic, every parenting book you have ever read is exactly correct. When my daughter was 4 months old, I laid her down on the sofa and went looking for my diaper bag. She’d never rolled over before; what could go wrong? In less than a heartbeat, she’d rolled right off that sofa and smashed her head right onto our hardwood floor. In a cold panic, I rushed her to the pediatrician’s office.

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Is It Possible to Stimulate a Baby’s Language Development? Yes! Try These Speech Therapy Activities

Speech Therapy Techniques
Language Development - Speech Therapy Activities

Image source: Redapplereading.com

Yesterday, we covered a recent scientific study that explored the relationship between the ability of an infant to sit upright and his cognitive development. Being able to reach, grasp, and manipulate objects around the infant encourages his learning and growth. While it’s important to help your baby learn to sit upright, there are numerous other speech therapy activities you can do to encourage your baby’s early language development.

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Early Speech Therapy Activities for Babies: How Sitting Up Can Help

Speech Therapy Techniques
Sitting as Speech Therapy Activity

Image source: Infographicsmania.com

For years I worked in a library and every New Year’s, I would see a gaggle of people flocking to the fitness DVDs to get started on their weight loss resolutions. Did you know there are “Candlelight Yoga” and “Sit and Get Fit” DVDs? Sound too good to be true? Well a scientific study was just released that suggests that sitting has more benefits than you might think – for infants anyway, definitely not for us. In fact, infants who sit sooner and sit often may have increased cognitive abilities, which may suggest that their early language development also benefits. So if you can encourage your little one to pull himself up into a sitting position, it may (possibly) reduce the chance that he’ll need speech therapy activities later in life. At the very least, he can get a little extra boost up in life – literally.

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Language Development in Babies

Language Development
Sleeping Newborn

Image source: bossip.com

As you watch your newborn grow, you will undoubtedly make a note of every milestone of development. While every child develops at a different rate, your baby may lift his head up when he is a month old, roll over at six months, and begin teething at four to seven months. Likewise, language and speech development is a gradual process. Don’t worry if your baby is a little off the typical development schedule.

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