Speech Impediment in Children: What Is Cluttering?

Speech Impediment in Children: What Is Cluttering?

Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders
Winston Churchill

Did Winston Churchill Suffer From Cluttering or Stuttering? (See Answer Below!)

What is cluttering, and how is this different than stuttering? We’ve heard that question many times from readers, so we thought we’d take a moment to explain the speech disorder called cluttering in more detail. Cluttering is a speech and communication disorder that affects a person’s ability to convey speech in a clear and concise manner. It is often characterized by an abnormally rapid rate of speech, difficulty organizing thoughts or getting to the point and words that sound like they are “running into each other.”

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Developmental Apraxia of Speech – An In Depth Look

Articulation Disorders Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
A is for Apraxia

What is Developmental Apraxia of Speech?

A is for Apraxia.  On Monday, we took at look at Apraxia of Speech in children.  Specifically, we outlined the types of apraxia of speech and related symptoms. The most common type of apraxia of speech in children is developmental, which means it is a neurologically based speech disorder. While some children with Developmental Apraxia of Speech (DAS) had specific prenatal or birth injuries, for the most part, there is no specific cause of DAS. This month, we will plan to take a look into the subject of Apraxia of Speech in children in more depth.

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Apraxia of Speech in Children – What You Need to Know

Language Development News Parents' Corner School Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Apraxia of Speech in Children

What is Apraxia of Speech in Children?

What is Apraxia of Speech in Children? With apraxia of speech, a person finds it difficult or impossible to move his or her mouth and tongue to speak. This happens, even though the person has the desire to speak and the mouth and tongue muscles are physically able to form words. Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder, where the child has a problem saying sounds, syllables and words. She knows what she wants to say, but her brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words.

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S is for Spring, not Lisp! Speech Sheets for the ‘S’ Sound

Articulation Disorders At Home Ideas Language Development Lisp Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques


Sound of S

Six Simple Worksheets for The Sound of “S”

Spring has sprung, and what better time to practice those “s” sounds! Did you know that the “s” sound is one of the most mispronounced sounds in the English language? According to Pronunciation Workshop, approximately half of all “s” sounds in English are pronounced as a letter “z” or “th.”  For a child with a speech impediment, the “s” sound proves particularly challenging. Common in articulation disorders, a child drops the “s” sound all together such as “and,” instead of “sand”. Or a child may mispronounce the “s” sound at the beginning or end of a word, giving him a lisp.






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Speech Buddies Coming to Your School Soon!

News Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist


Speech Buddies Demo

Speech Buddies Coming to A School Near You! Sign Up to try a Professional Set for FREE!

Articulate Technologies is taking its Speech Buddies tools on a road trip! Now through the middle of May, we will be visiting schools in California, Washington, Colorado & Arizona. While we have toured schools throughout the Southeast region for the past year, we are excited to bring Speech Buddies to schools and SLPs in the Western part of the country.

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