Best Back-to-School Homework Help Apps

Kitten Using App

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Many children have speech and language issues as a symptom of another condition, such a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or autism. Conditions and disorders such as these often cause other barriers to academic success as well, such as problems with time management, organization, and problem-solving. Some children with a TBI may have difficulty starting a task, for example. Barriers such as these may be difficult to cope with, but equipping your child with the right back-to-school tools can help him reach his academic goals. Your child’s back-to-school tools might include Speech Buddies for articulation or a shiny new iPhone with homework help apps. Many homework help apps assist your child with time management skills and assignment tracking. On the list below, there is also an app that can even encourage vocalization. Standard note-taking apps can also improve writing skills. Many of these apps are designed for older children or high school kids.

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