2013 North Carolina Speech Hearing and Language Association Conference
Historical hotspots, good food and great temperatures typically draw crowds to Raleigh, N.C., but next week those attractions take a backseat for local speech language professionals who will come to town for the annual North Carolina Speech Hearing and Language Association conference. If you haven’t already registered, its not too late to join the event on April 24-26, 2013. Speech and Language Pathologists from across the state of North Carolina and speakers from across the country will gather to share and learn new clinical skills while networking with professionals across all areas of the field. While online registration is closed, attendees can still register onsite at the North Raleigh Hilton Midtown. On the fence about attending? Here are the reasons you should go:
Hear from Experts
This year’s lineup of esteemed speakers, short courses and workshops provide a wide range of speech and language topics from experts in many areas including Wayne Secord, Ph.D., CCC-SLP and Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS. Mr. Secord is the well- known author of Eliciting Sounds: Techniques and Strategies for Clinicians and the Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology (CAAP) – both valuable resources for articulation for any SLP. Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, an expert in aphasia, might be a name you recognize recently from her work with congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Her expertise is not only for those working with adults but impacts clinical work with pediatric brain injury patients as well.
Learn about New Speech and Language Products
All SLPs need materials. From workbooks to puppets and standardized tests, and SLP cannot do their job without an arsenal of tools. The annual conference is a great time to meet with vendors and company representatives who are vying for the chance to show you their new items and tips, tricks and upgrades for the old. You might even get a sample or two!
Network with Other Professionals
Collaboration with professionals is key not only to professional development but for the quality care of clients that might be followed by multiple therapists. Take an opportunity such as this conference to meet with the private or school speech therapists you’ve emailed in person and build a face to face connection. For speech pathology students, this also makes a great platform for learning about prospective job, education or research. For business owners and employers, gatherings like this one provide opportunities to recruit diverse and talented employees including therapists, administrative staff or speech therapy assistants.
Win an iPad!
According to the website, NCASSPA will be giving away a mini iPad. If you don’t have one already, this is a must have for speech pathologists. To win you must attend to Session 55 -“From Rock n’ Roll to Rap: Intergeneration Communication in CSD” presented by Vicki McCreedy. Head that way to session 55 on Friday, April 26 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Conference location will be:
North Raleigh Hilton Midtown
3415 Wake Forest Road
Raleigh, NC
Rate is discounted for members, with a full registration fee of $300. For non-members, the fee is $500. Students receive a significantly reduced rate of $45 for members and $55 for non-members.