What is Speech Therapy and How Do I Use At-Home Speech Therapy?

Speech Therapy Techniques
At-Home Speech Therapy with Speech Buddies

Image source: Speechbuddy.com

Today, we’re continuing our introductory series to speech therapy. Our third post in the series addresses at-home speech therapy techniques. As a parent, it’s hard to watch your child struggle with anything. But you can accelerate his progress and (ideally) lessen the amount of time that he’ll need speech therapy by using at-home speech therapy techniques. These techniques will likely consist of games and activities that are tailored to your child’s specific needs. It’s also important to model correct patterns of speech for your child (kids are great imitators). Talk to your child’s speech therapist about the best at-home speech therapy techniques for your child’s speech and language issues, and head over to Speech Buddies University for more at-home exercises.

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What is Speech Therapy and How Do I Find a Speech Therapist?

Speech Therapist
Becoming a Speech Therapist

Image source: Advanced-medical.net

Last week, we started discussing some of the basics of speech therapy, including why your child might benefit from it. This week, we’ll continue the four-part series, covering questions such as “How do I find a speech therapist?” “How do I do at-home speech therapy?” and “Just what the heck does a speech therapist do, anyway?!?” Whether your child has recently received a diagnosis or you suspect that he might have a speech and language issue (or you just want to brush up on the basics), check out these introductory guides. Then, head over to the comprehensive resources Speech Buddies offers on specific speech issues.

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What is Speech Therapy and Why Does My Child Need It?

Speech Therapist
Speech Therapy Infographic

Image source: Openmarketing.com

Raising a child can be the most difficult job in the world. And now your child’s teacher or pediatrician has recommended that you have him evaluated by a speech therapist, and suddenly life seems even more challenging. First of all – don’t panic! It’s perfectly natural to be worried, but rest assured that speech therapy can work wonders for your child, if he does indeed have a speech disorder or delay. Work with your child’s speech therapist to integrate speech therapy techniques into your child’s daily routine. One starting point is Speech Buddies University, which offers customized exercises to accelerate your child’s progress.

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Online Speech Therapy with Speech Buddies

Speech Therapy Techniques
Online Speech Therapy - Tech Infographic

Image source: Momtinilounge.com

Have you ever gotten the feeling that, in order for your child to really listen to you, you’d have to say it with a text message or post it on his Facebook page? Kids these days are constantly buried in their electronic devices. I was once tempted to record a YouTube video to ask my teenage stepson to clean his room. I never actually did it, but it probably would have gotten his attention. The point is, kids love computers and gadgets. So why not move speech therapy into the digital age and try online speech therapy with Speech Buddies University? It’s easy to use, it’ll keep your kidlet engaged in the lesson plan, and (drumroll, please) it’s free!

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Strategies for Affordable Speech Therapy via Telepractice

Speech Therapy Techniques
Online Speech Therapy

Image source: Cochlearimplantonline.com

Are you looking forward to the holidays? If you’re like me, you’ve spent the last month writing down the perfect gift ideas for everyone on your list. It’s great to take a break from your everyday routine now and then, but holiday spending can put quite a dent in your budget. And raising a child with special needs can stretch your budget to the max. On top of speech therapy sessions, your child might have occupational therapy, physical therapy, applied behavioral analysis (ABA), and countless visits to the doctor’s office. Speech therapy can be affordable, but it might require a little trial-and-error to find the solution that best fits your family’s needs.

This week, we’ve focused on online speech therapy. Learning proper articulation with online resources like Speech Buddies University is a great way to keep your child engaged in the lesson plan. Plus, accelerating your child’s progress with the use of Speech Buddies in addition to other speech therapy techniques can help reduce the total amount of speech therapy required. This can cut your bill drastically – which is definitely helpful when you’re juggling gift-buying for all those fashionistas, jewelry lovers, and others on your holiday list. Here’s a look at some strategies for making online speech therapy (aka telepractice) affordable for your family.

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